View allows you to compare your engagement metrics side-by-side with those of your competitors. Average Session Duration What is it? This metric shows the average time it takes for visitors to leave your site. Should you measure it? Similar to bounce rate, average session duration is normal depending on industry, website or page type. If your visitors are spending less time on your site than your competitors, you want to know why. Whether session duration is worthwhile for you to measure regularly depends on what your website offers and what your business goals are.
Companies and subscription sites may find this insightful, as it industry email list can help them understand whether users find value in their service. Likewise, an e-commerce marketplace may be interested in visitors browsing its category and wanting to buy more. You should measure it in conjunction with other engagement metrics, such as the number of pages visited, visit duration, and bounce rate. For , this metric is less important because it doesn't provide direct insight into the quality of your content. How to measure it? Just like bounce rate, you can get average session duration by . Under All Traffic, you'll select Channels, then look at Organic Search. The tool provides a breakdown of each keyword and landing page, including bounce rate and average session duration.
To understand user behavior, you need a more comprehensive set of engagement metrics and more analytics from tools like . exit rate what is it? Exit rate measures the percentage of visitors who leave your domain from a particular page. Should you measure it? Some businesses like to track exit rates to determine the end of the visitor journey. For eCommerce sites, it can be interesting to monitor the exit rate of payment channels. The true value of is debatable. However, understanding visitor behavior is important, and this metric provides that information. How to measure it? You can find the number of exits from the page on . The average exit rate is then calculated by dividing the number of exits by the number of pageviews for the page in question.